Varnika Nayyar

Varnika Nayyar has 6 yrs of experience with corporates & media houses. A former journalist who interviewed celebrities, she holds a P.G. Diploma in Business Journalism & Corporate Communications & has to her credit write-ups that reflect her uniqueness of thought. Varnika gives her creative best to all her endeavours & strives to deliver excellence each time she holds that pen.

13 Best Free Webcam Recording Software for Windows, Mac and Android

Who doesn’t fall in love with a good video? Videos are visual treats to the eye, and a good one,…

5 years ago

Best Scrum Tools for Project and Team Productivity Management

Essentially, Scrum is a process framework aimed at encouraging your team to work together towards business growth. This framework ensures…

5 years ago

Top Manufacturing Simulation Software for Your Business

Do you still make crucial business decisions based on intuition? If so, switch to risk-free simulation. For those wondering what…

5 years ago

Best Website Visitors and User Behavior Tracking Tools

There are several things to consider when measuring the usability of a website. However, the most important one is to…

5 years ago

How to Turn Friday Into FriYAY, Without Compromising on Productivity

For those of you wondering why the blog? Well, read on and you’ll see some relatable ‘FriYaY’ hacks to increase…

5 years ago

How to Overcome Biggest Challenges in Bookkeeping

Are you facing problems with managing your accounting practices? If yes, scan through to understand bookkeeping better. To understand bookkeeping…

5 years ago

10 Best Paid & Free Scrapbook Software for Windows & Mac

Looking for cool ideas and easy ways to preserve your memories? Make scrapbooks using the latest digital scrapbooking software. A…

5 years ago

Best Open Source Scheduling Software for Employees: Scheduling Made Easy

Starting a business and sustaining it is an expensive endeavour, especially if you’re new to the world of business. As…

5 years ago

15 Best Free Photo Printing Software for All-Size Images (PC & Mac)

Gone are those days when printing photos was a monotonous task. Nowadays, latest online photo printing software can be used…

5 years ago

Why Use WordPress for Start-Up Business Website?

The global business environment is witnessing a strange trend lately. While some firms are glowing with success, several others are…

5 years ago