Failing Employees? It’s Probably Your Fault

Last Updated: July 24, 2023

Managers need to practice patience, especially when it becomes harder to fulfil goals. Unachieved targets may leave you stressed out, and it’s obvious that underperformance in the team will be gauged. You start questioning the credibility of those who are not pulling their weight or showing results. However, it reflects badly on you when you are putting all the blame on your employees, forgetting about your own faults.

Before you conduct another performance review, ask yourself – How you contributed to this underperformance?

The relationship between you and your team members is a two-way street. Both parties work together towards achieving milestones while learning lessons along the way.

Here, we have summed up some of the common mistakes you are likely to commit as a manager. Also, read more to find out ways of turning those mistakes around with the Best HR software solutions like HROne HRMS software.

#1 You Don’t Convey Goals Clearly

As a manager, you need to convey two important messages to your team members – their individual responsibilities and the overall responsibility as a team. Without being aware of these two critical success factors, yours and your team’s goals will be like two ships sailing in different directions, yet planning to reach the same destination.

How to Fix It

At the beginning of each quarter, individual goals of your team members and overall company’s goals are conveyed clearly. Along with conducting regular meetings, you also need to put goals down in writing. Written goals can be revisited whenever necessary to know how everyone fits into the bigger picture.

HROne HRMS software can help managers in setting KRAs (Key Responsibility Areas) for team members and sharing it on a single platform to have documented updates accessible to employees anytime and from anywhere.

#2 You Don’t Give Clear Feedback

If there is an employee behaviour pattern that you would like to see changed, you need to convey the same to your employees in real-time. However, managers sometimes avoid sharing feedbacks owing to the fear of negative criticism. This leads to the lack of communication, making improvement a big deal to both parties.

How to Fix It

Setting work cycles and performing regular performance reviews are important for you as a manager to share constructive criticism. By using HROne HRMS software, you can set work cycles on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. At the same time, you can also define review policies for your employees. Even KRAs for every team members can be defined and set at a central platform.

#3 You Manage Everyone the Same Way

In a global scenario, it goes without saying that managers have to deal with a team of diverse personalities and varied skill sets. While some employees feel aligned to work with structure, others are motivated by the idea of freedom to experiment with work style. Often times, managers end up ignoring their diverse personalities and get frustrated when results are not as expected.

How to Fix It

HROne HRMS software can help in analysing the skill set of individual employees and aligning it with specific job roles. Also, the number of tasks that need to be accomplished in a given time can be tracked. Accordingly, calculated steps can be taken for hiring new talent and providing training to the existing ones.

#4 You Don’t Lead by Example

If you are already adopting all of the above strategies, you deserve a pat on the back! But, still there is another trick that you can adopt to up your game as a manager – Leading by example. For instance, if you want your employees to be more responsive, you need to show up as a manager who never misses an important action. Knowingly or unknowingly, your team picks up cues from you. So, you need to show and not just tell.

Published On: December 30, 2017
Kalpana Arya

Kalpana’s tech writing journey began in 2017 with Techjockey, and she truly belongs here! If she was not a technical content writer, she would have been a coder. Technical writing, especially for business software, is her passion, and she enjoys every bit of it. From addressing the pain points of software buyers to offering them the best software buying guide, she has excelled in every stage of the customer journey through content. Techjockey’s website has 500+ software categories and she has written something for each of them. Also, she has a good eye for detail, and that makes her a reliable Content Editor.

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