7 Steps to Start a Laundry and Dry Cleaning Business

Last Updated: May 22, 2023

Laundry and dry cleaning business is one of the safest businesses to start because there will always be a demand for this service in the residential and hospitality sectors.

There are several ways to get into the laundry and dry cleaning business in India. You can open you own store or can start from home with doorstep services.

You can also start as a dry cleaning franchise of a reputed brand. With the right planning and execution, starting a laundry and dry cleaning business can be a very successful venture.

7 Steps to Start Laundry and Dry Cleaning Business

  • Research on Your Target Market

Go deep into the business. Don’t just consider the whats, also concentrate on the whys and hows of the business. That is how you can learn about a particular domain. Check census data to analyze the population of the area you selected.

Ask the people in the neighborhood about their laundry and dry cleaning practices. Learn about various dry cleaning equipment. That is how you are going to learn more about your customers and their expectations.

Use the internet to know about your competitors and what are they doing differently to grow their businesses.

Learn about how much does it cost to dry clean. It is going to be a long and time-consuming process. Thorough market research will set the building block of your laundry business.

  • Learn the Required Skills

Before opening your own laundry and dry cleaning business, make sure you have worked within a system that deals with the same. It is extremely crucial to know about the insides of a business. And what’s a better way to know about business than working in it.

With this, you can learn the required skills like the in and out of dry cleaning equipment, the most cost-effective procedure to dry clean, the best ways to deal with customers and much more.

  • Make a Business Plan

Creating a dry cleaning business plan is an extremely essential step that you should follow. Setting up goals for your business will not only encourage you to achieve them, but also help you in the funding process if you need one.

Make a detailed plan about howyou will go about your business and compete with other laundry and dry cleaning business. You have to plan out the location of your business, take care of renting costs and buy the necessary equipment as well.

You also need to search for your USPs (Unique Selling Point) which would differentiate you from your competitors like being a ‘green’ laundry (dry cleaning business which uses chemicals which are environment friendly.)

  • Check Your Finances

Before you make any decision, know the in and out of your finances. Depending upon your financial strength, you can go for loan or opt for funding. Angel investment is a good option for laundry and dry cleaning business.

You can also go for equity capital investment by having business partners. Work out your numbers before executing your laundry and dry cleaning business plan.

You can consult with an accountant or financial advisor to get an in-depth knowledge abouthow much money you need to start and run laundry and dry cleaning services.

  • Get Required Permits and Licenses

Getting the necessary permits and licenses hugely depend on the area that you are considering to set up your business in. You have to check the labor law of your state and check for insurance availability especially for laundry and dry cleaning business.

It is advisable to talk to a business consultant. You should do the necessary paperwork and get your licenses before starting the operation of your laundry and dry cleaning business.

  • Get the Support Team Ready

Since this is a labor-intensive sector, you have to hire for a variety of roles like people for washing, store management, delivery, and accounting processes.

With the right team taking care of day-to-day processes at your store, you can focus on connecting and networking with your customers and ensuring that they are satisfied with your services.

You can hire enthusiastic people in the industry and train them to work efficiently as per your guidelines.

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  • Promote Your Business

So you have established a laundry and dry cleaning business but does anybody know about it yet? Promoting your laundry and dry cleaning business is important for the increase productivity of your business. This is the ultimate way to bring in new customers.

You can promote your business both online and offline. Also, you can approach the local newspaper for placing an ad or use social media to spread awareness about your laundry and dry cleaning brand and its existence.

You can also use delivery bags and tags with your brand logo printed on them as promotional tools for promoting your laundry business.

Since people are getting busier by the day, there are great chances of excelling in the laundry and dry cleaning business. With the advancement in technology, you can also use laundry management software to have greater control over each and every business activity.

You also have to ensure that you are providing exceptional service to your customers so that they come to you the next time. Just make note of these seven steps if you are still wondering how to start a laundry business. We are sure you are going to reach new heights.

Why Is Turns Laundry Management Software Ideal for Your Business?

Turns laundry management software is an all-in-one system for dry cleaners and laundromats. This next-gen laundry management system enables you to run marketing campaigns and attract new customers, expand to new locations, and manage your workforce and payroll.

Many small and big scale dry clean and laundry businesses across the globe are using Turns including Laundry Craft, Dry Pure, The Brand Wash, Steam X-Press, and more. Turns software has empowered laundry businesses with features such as:

  • Offers personalized discounts with virtual loyalty campaign
  • Provides laundry app to your customers for easy access
  • Offers contactless pick up, delivery, and payment options
  • Ensures faster pickup and delivery at zero cost
  • Helps manage point of sales operations
  • Helps create a customized website and promote services through localized marketing
  • Provides reports about the performance of every store.
Published On: April 16, 2019
Riya Basu

Riya Basu, a core member of the content team at Techjockey.com, has previously worked with several brands related to lifestyle, travel, education and f&b. However, technical content writing is currently her niche with more than 2 years of experience in writing about business software and hardware. She is a YouTuber who creates videos about fashion, food, technology and fitness. A photography enthusiast, she loves to write stories about people and places.

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