Hotel Management

Hotel Revenue Management: Boost Hotel Bookings and Get More Revenue

The secret to a successful business lies in how you manage your hotel business. Pricing and customer satisfaction are the…

5 years ago

8 Simple Ways to Increase Your Hotel’s Direct Bookings

Most frequent travellers have certain hotels in their frequent visit list. However, ask them if they use the hotel’s website…

6 years ago

5 Best Channel Management Software 2023 for Business

The term Channel Management means a process where the company designs marketing techniques along with sales strategies to reach the…

6 years ago

How Single Word Increased a Bar’s Sales by +50%

About a month ago, I and a buddy of mine from office went on a vacation to the hilly state…

7 years ago

The Best Free Open Source Hotel Management Software of 2023

Gone are those days when hoteliers had to spend a thick wad of cash to raise their brand. Though they…

7 years ago

Running Hotel Business? Here is a Quick Checklist to Manage Things Better

Managing a hotel business isn’t an easy task. However, to be successful in hotel business, the owners need to work…

7 years ago