Petrol Pump Software

Cogxim Petro Genius – How is it Revolutionizing Petrol Pump Management

In a competitive business environment, it is important for companies to rope in latest technology to make their businesses more…

4 years ago

4 Must Have Attributes of Petrol Pump Management Software

Managing a petrol pump is no cakewalk. Stocking volatile fuel, tracking sales record and maintaining accurate accounts data are just…

6 years ago

How to Increase Sales at Petrol Pump Business

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have noticed that petrol prices in India have increased steeply. Currently…

6 years ago

Top 10 Petrol Pump Management Software Best Suited for Fuel Stations

There isn’t a fuel station business that wouldn’t benefit from the features offered by a petrol pump management software. Just…

6 years ago

Top 6 Benefits of Using Petrol Pump Management Software

[hsas-shortcode group="petrol" speed="10" direction="left" gap="50"] Petroleum is also known as black gold for a reason. Black because when it is…

6 years ago

How to Prevent Fuel Theft at Petrol Pumps?

Have you ever been tempted by the idea of indulging in the ‘crime of opportunity just for fun? Yes, here…

6 years ago

How Analytic Tools in Petrol Pump Management Can Enhance Stock Management

Stock management for petrol pump is a tricky task. Fuel like petrol, diesel and CNG are easily evaporable and volatile,…

6 years ago

Petrol Pump Management: Oil’s Well That Ends Well

Do you know? India is in third place, right after the USA & China for the number of active petrol…

6 years ago