petrol puump business

How to Increase Sales at Petrol Pump Business

By Surjodeep Bose . September 19, 2018

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have noticed that petrol prices in India have increased steeply. Currently priced at approx Rs 100/liter and...

petrol pump management software benefits

Top 6 Benefits of Using Petrol Pump Management Software

By Kalpana Arya . September 10, 2018

[hsas-shortcode group="petrol" speed="10" direction="left" gap="50"] Petroleum is also known as black gold for a reason. Black because when it is extracted, its colour is black. And...

fuel theft issues banner image

How to Prevent Fuel Theft at Petrol Pumps?

By Kalpana Arya . July 3, 2018

Have you ever been tempted by the idea of indulging in the ‘crime of opportunity just for fun? Yes, here we are talking about gate-crashing a...

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